
About Katie Lane & Work Made For Hire

I am a nerd.

I’m also an attorney, obsessed with negotiation, a former actress, a current writer, and a forever student. I am passionate about helping other people learn how to negotiate because someone once told me I couldn’t do it. They were wrong.

I graduated from law school long enough ago that there was a reunion and I missed it. Since then I’ve advised librarians, comedians, ruffians and a gentleman with some very passionate ideas about revolutionizing televised sport fishing on all matter of legal conundrums.

Most of my clients are nerds, too. I work with comic book creators, authors, game designers, musicians and freelancers of every stripe to help them protect their rights and get paid fairly for the work they do.

I provide legal services and private negotiation coaching and teach negotiation seminars. I would gladly entertain your generally applicable and interesting questions.  You can contact me here.

I live in Portland, Oregon and sit on the board of Oregon Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts. When I am not Doing All The Things, I relax in the shadow of an urban volcano with my lovely and talented wife Dylan, and a ridiculous number of animals.

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From the Blog

5 Things to Know Before You Sign Your Publishing Contract

The following is the first of five emails from a free e-course about understanding publishing contracts. You can sign up for the rest of the course here. In any publishing deal, you're in charge. That's because a publishing contract is you giving the publisher permission to use your work. They need permission and


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